Unlock micro-personalization at scale

Think about the last time you watched a show on Netflix. You didn’t have to browse through a dusty TV guide, or choose from a limited selection of shows that play on someone else’s schedule. You just logged in and instantly saw personalized recommendations of exactly the kinds of shows you enjoy.
How does Netflix always know just what to recommend? The key is in the granular data that Netflix collects about everything you watch. The platform has metadata on their entire library of content, and knows how every item is related (based on director, actors, genre). Netflix doesn’t just know what you click on—it knows when you completed watching it, allowing the platform to infer what you like.
PathFactory captures the same kind of data for your B2B marketing, and intelligently delivers your personalized content through AI-powered recommendations. Our proprietary data also helps marketers understand which personalized content assets and channels are actually working, which customers are engaged, and which leads and accounts are sales-ready.

Engagement data today
Today, most marketers measure engagement and determine lead quality based on a volume of binary metrics such as:
- Email opens and clicks
- Webpage visits
- Form fills
These data points are really just proxies for true engagement with personalized content, giving you a limited view into the self-education and sales-readiness of your audience. This results in false positives and low-quality leads.

PathFactory’s unique data
PathFactory’s new class of engagement data includes:
- The content consumption of each individual person based on time spent on content.
- Content attributes, such as type, topic, and reading length, automatically derived used Natural Language Processing.
This is the only data set that can accurately be used to micro-personalize, determine which people and accounts are truly qualified, and which channels and content are working.
PathFactory integrates with pretty much everything in the modern MarTech stack.
Customer Relationship Management

Everything Else

Webhooks + Public API
With Webhooks and a Public API our data can easily be connected to nearly anything else you can imagine from Business Intelligence Tools to Customer Data Platforms.