How Arena Solutions Increased ROI and Grew Pipeline

The Results With PathFactory


accounts reached


increase in ROI from unbranded campaigns


increase in ROI from branded campaigns


A static website created friction in the buyer’s journey

The digital marketing team at Arena Solutions, a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Quality Management System (QMS) solutions provider, wanted to help their BDR team shorten lead cycles and identify high-quality prospects.

Arena Solutions Digital Marketing Manager measures the team’s success in two ways: the number of demo requests and opportunities generated from paid marketing channels. Because of lengthy B2B sales cycles, revenue attribution can be a shifting target, but PathFactory’s near real-time data about content engagement behaviour contributed valuable insights to the team.

Before PathFactory, the team used their website to feature helpful resources while encouraging their prospects to book a demo. However, the website provided a static experience, and the team needed help to nurture prospective buyers. The team implemented PathFactory in February 2023, aiming to package relevant resources into PathFactory’s content tracks. After the initial implementation, the Digital Marketing team planned to A/B test engagement on PathFactory’s content tracks against content that simply lived on the website to direct relevant content target segments, increasing content consumption and getting better visibility on what and how much visitors consume.


Test new ways to get more relevant content in front of buyers

Arena Solutions believed that the best way to get highly-relevant content in front of their buyers was by using PathFactory’s content tracks. The Digital Marketing team began by splitting their inbound traffic in two, with half going to PathFactory content tracks, and the other half going to resources on their website.

After the initial test, the team realized how quickly PathFactory enabled real-time nurturing for prospects through different touchpoints in the sales cycle—all by using a single content track. With PathFactory tracks, the team could include top, middle, and bottom of funnel content plus a call to action to request a demo. With this simple change prospects could self-nurture quicker, and the team saw increased conversions, form fills, and demo requests.

After seeing success with their branded campaigns, Arena’s team continued to A/B test their content track performance, and has expanded their digital strategy to include general, unbranded campaigns. Seeing increased traffic to PathFactory content tracks from both branded and unbranded campaigns indicates that buyers are able to self-nurture without friction. In addition, PathFactory data shows that buyers are reaching out faster if they land on a content track compared to if they landed on a product page on Arena’s website.

Even with lengthy sales cycles, Arena’s team has seen an improvement to their ROI and conversions, and are excited to expand their use of PathFactory and achieve their digital marketing goals.

“A huge competitive advantage of PathFactory is that it allows us to go after different personas of our target market that wouldn’t be possible through a website alone, creating a tailored experience for different people.”
Digital Marketing Manager
Arena Solutions

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