Success Stories: How B2B Trailblazers Are Personalizing ABM At Scale
Many marketers say they’re doing ABM. But, when it comes right down to it, they struggle to implement ABM at scale in meaningful ways. From inaccurate target lists to misalignment with sales to not targeting the right people in the right way.
However, some B2B marketers are really nailing it. Let’s take a look at what these ABM trailblazers are doing differently to lead by example.
Invoca personalizes ABM at scale
Invoca is a California-based company that helps marketers optimize for the phone call by providing intelligence like who’s calling and why. Like many B2B sales cycles, Invoca’s requires a lot of education. The traditional B2B approach of sending a weekly nurture email driving prospects to a single, gated landing page wasn’t doing the job fast enough. The Invoca marketing team needed a way to provide target accounts with a better experience–one with fewer gates–that encouraged as much content consumption as possible with each visit.
Invoca evolved from relying on gated, single-asset landing pages to a less gated and more customer-centric approach by putting all their content in a PathFactory Content Track. Now, target accounts are served fully customized content experiences that put the “next best asset” at their fingertips, regardless of where they are in the buying cycle. As a result, prospects self-educate faster and have more productive conversations with sales.
This highly personalized, customer-centric approach to target accounts has paid off! Invoca achieved a 3X lift in target account engagement with their nurture programs. In addition, this new nurture contributed to a 2.5X increase in average deal size overall.
Listen as Ari Echt, Director of Account Based Marketing, describes how Invoca is achieving their ABM goals.
EnterpriseDB tracks target account engagement to drive revenue
Quality over quantity is the name of the game for EnterpriseDB’s approach to ABM. Their account-based revenue approach aims to serve the most targeted, customized content to accounts that represent the highest annual recurring revenue. The real power in this approach lies in the ability to have a unified view of how these accounts are engaging with content.
According to an ABM in Action interview with James McNamee, EnterpriseDB’s Senior Director of ABM,
“We’re watching engagement trends in accounts over time, and once they hit the threshold, we can bring that to sales and we can cycle accounts out that aren’t engaging.”
For EnterpriseDB, engagement is defined by time spent consuming content or engaging in other activities such as an executive meeting. McNamee and his team use PathFactory to measure how long target accounts spend with content and how many assets they consume in a session (known as Engaged Intent data) and then use Rekener, a Customer Data Platform, to pull Engagio and Salesforce data to a single location for a complete view of how accounts are engaging with them.
By focusing on Engaged Intent, McNamee and his team generated a couple hundred fewer opportunities between Q4 2017 and Q1 2018; however, the quality is much better. So much so they’ve seen a considerable lift in pipeline opportunity. According to McNamee, the value of pipeline:
“went up almost $3 million dollars highlighting how the quality of opportunities went up considerably.”
Smart marketers like the teams at Invoca and EnterpriseDB are leading the way when it comes to developing true ABM programs. Although successful ABM is both an art and a science, one thing is clear from these ABM success stories: Engaged Intent is key to developing personalized ABM at scale.
3 takeaways for ABM success
- Provide personalized content bundles to target accounts to encourage binge consumption of relevant information.
- Focus on content consumption metrics like time and number of assets viewed over vanity metrics like clicks.
- Ensure your tech integrates in the right way. You need a unified view of all your data in order to understand how target accounts are interacting with your content and what content is working best.