Accelerate Deal Cycles with PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence

A customer interacting with content and giving insights to how to interact with them

PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence provides marketing teams with powerful insights on buying signals and content consumption, making it easy for marketers to discover the content, assets, and communication best suited for that next step in the sales process.

According to Gartner, only 17% of a buyer’s time is spent meeting with potential suppliers. In an increasingly crowded market, it’s essential to make that limited time count. By understanding exactly what content is being consumed by buyers, marketing teams can prioritize outreach and have more impact in their communications by serving the most relevant content, at the right time in the buyer journey.

A buyer self nurturing and supplying important information allowing marketers and sales teams to better engage with them. It also states a statistic that only 17% of a buyers time is spent meeting potential suppliers

Why Revenue Intelligence matters to marketers

High performing companies understand the importance of close alignment across your entire go-to-market team, especially the relationship between marketing and sales. Marketing teams produce on-brand, approved content and sales, field marketing, BDRs/SDRs, and customer success teams need easy access to it and the ability to quickly send and share with customers and prospects.

The combination of easy content accessibility and sharing coupled with the real-time insights behind what content is really driving deals – and all within the systems they use everyday – creates a competitive edge.

With PathFactory For Revenue Intelligence, marketing teams can:

  • Prioritize and focus marketing efforts using real-time buying signals from content engagement across your website, campaigns, and 3rd party content
  • Compose personalized and branded 1:1, 1:few, or 1:many buyer microsites for accounts, contacts, and visitors based on engagement data
  • Serve up unique sets of content for each buyer site based on user behavior or selection, through manually defined rules, or with AI-generated content recommendations
  • Match the best performing content journeys to your targeted accounts

A target account being fed a personalized experience


Access to the tools your team uses everyday

Whether at the account, contact, lead, or opportunity level, all data is accessible right in Salesforce, Eloqua, and other tools that your teams use everyday.

PathFactory logo connected to salesforce, elaqua, and more applications

Content AI delivers the buying signals missing from other solutions

In addition to a CRM, marketing teams are using several tools to enhance productivity and make their jobs easier. ABM platforms are especially popular because intent data provides a good baseline for account targeting. However, without content engagement and consumption data by buyer or account, there is a key piece missing to truly enable sales to have impactful interactions. PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence provides these missing details with actionable buyer signals such as:

  • Best performing content assets by topics and tagging
  • Content consumed within a targeted account and buying committee
  • Accounts or opportunities with recent content engagement by funnel stage
  • Growth in the buying committee
  • Acceleration through pipe stages
  • Reduction in total number of touches (email, phone, meetings)
  • Percentage of closed won deals

Whether at the account, contact, lead, or opportunity level, all data is accessible within Salesforce, Eloqua, and other tools that your teams use everyday.

Built for marketers, but valuable to your entire go-to-market team

Marketers can curate tracks of content or templated microsite experiences for various personas, industries, and use cases that help sales reps deliver a compelling content journey every time. Sales teams can clearly see which of their accounts and potential buyers are spending time with that content to then prioritize their outreach. When there’s a detailed picture of a prospect’s content journey and engagement over time, sales can delve deep into the nuances of each opportunity and have meaningful, contextually-relevant conversations.

A marketer finally connecting to the sales team effectively

In addition to buying signals, templates, and microsites, AI-powered content recommendations and buyer alerts surface both the content and the next best action to take for each opportunity.

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